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du 29 avril au 1er mai 2024 18h-22h30
En ligne

2024.04 Âmes Soeurs Theta 2.png

In order to participate in this training, you must have completed the basic ThetaHealing® training, the advanced training and the deepening training.

The Soul Mate training will allow you to work in depth on the beliefs that do not allow you to find your soul mate and/or to have a harmonious relationship with your soul mate. You will release beliefs about sex, self-image, intimacy as a couple, leave behind the need for drama in a relationship, work on your fears and blockages that do not allow you to give and receive love.

You will energetically “divorce” your ex-partners.


You will redo certain exercises that you already know in the context of romantic relationships

(returning soul fragments, healing baby to mother's womb, etc.)

You will discover the different “soul mates” that you can meet in this life.

You will manifest your most compatible soul mate. What qualities would you like him/her to have?

What do you have to offer in a relationship?

This training will allow you to heal your relationship with yourself and reconnect to your emotions, desires, desires and your very essence. It will also allow you
  a reconnection to the love that is everywhere (and especially in you!),

but which we can easily "miss" if we are not fully open and aware.


The training is taught over two days.

Investment: 370 euros and includes training, the practitioner's manual, the THInK certificate and snacks during breaks (except lunch).

A non-refundable deposit of 100 euros is to be paid in order to secure your place and the training.

For people who repeat the training within the period of two years a reduction of 50% is applied.

For people who repeat it within the period of two to four years, a reduction of 30% is applied.


For people who have completed the training with another instructor (within the maximum period of four years),

a 30% reduction is applied.


Date : du 29 avril au 1er mai 2024 de 18h à 22h30
Où : En ligne, sur Zoom
en Toi: 420 € (TVA incluse)

Celui-ci inclut la formation, le manuel du praticien en français, un document de 10 pages avec des croyances limitantes à travailler et des téléchargements de ThetaHealing et le certificat officiel du praticien de THInK.

Un acompte de 100 euros non remboursable est à verser afin de sécuriser votre place et la formation. Pour les personnes qui répètent la formation, une réduction de 50 % est appliquée. 

Vous recevrez les informations concernant le livre de Vianna Stibal à acheter par vous-mêmes quelques jours avant la formation. Vous ne devez pas le lire avant la formation, vous recevrez un document de quelques pages avec des croyances limitantes et des téléchargements à utiliser pour celle-ci.

Si vous avez besoin d’une facture, vous devez en faire la demande dans le même trimestre que celui dans lequel vous avez effectué le paiement (même si c’est un acompte).

ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK on

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