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The ThetaHealing® Game of Life training is for practitioners who have completed Basic Training, Advanced Training, and Deepening Training.  


The Game of Life training is a ThetaHealing® training that was created by Hiroyuki Miyazaki, in partnership with Vianna Stibal, the founder of the ThetaHealing technique. Hiroyuki based this training on his own experience and great successes as a businessman in Japan.

Hiroyuki realized, at some point in his life, that he had lived his father's life for many years and not his own. He felt, on a subconscious level, guilty for his father's death and then lived through his dreams and wishes. Through working with ThetaHealing, he was able to release these blockages and “take back control” of his life.

The Game of Life training is a very powerful training because it touches abundance in every sphere of life, both professionally and personally. The work during this training will allow you to achieve freedom, to allow you to be yourself in all circumstances and to align your personal and professional life with the desires of your heart, with your own truth. By having thus recovered your strength, your power over your life, you will be able to attract success more easily.

You will receive a list of limiting beliefs relating to each "step" of the process that Hiroyuki offers in this training. By working on these beliefs, you will succeed, step by step, in freeing yourself from subconscious conditioning.

compared :  


oh  Obligations to your parents or other people who played an important role in your upbringing

   (ex: “I have to... to satisfy my father”) 

oh  To your past, both your successes and your failures 

oh  Fear of not being accepted by society 

oh  Pressure from colleagues at work, friends 

oh  To infinite abundance in all spheres of your life 

oh  Your true potential, your abilities and your strength (ex: fear of accessing your true potential)  

During the three days of the training, you will review the different ways of working with the ThetaHealing technique and do different exercises (conscious and subconscious - muscle tests) in order to detect the limiting beliefs you have in relation to each step of the process created by Hiroyuki. You will work in pairs to free yourself from your blockages, once or twice a day. You will receive a large number of downloads (positive affirmations, being in the Theta state) related to the theme of abundance. You will read each other's Divine Plan as a group and manifest (create) what you desire, also as a group. 


The training is taught for three days; in general, Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.


The investment amounts to 460 euros and includes the training, the manual in French, the official THInK certificate

and snacks to nibble during breaks (except lunch).  


A non-refundable deposit of 100 euros is to be paid in order to secure your place and the training.


For people who repeat the training, a 50% discount is applied. 

There is no date scheduled at this time.
If you are interested in this course,
do not hesitate to contact me in order to know when this one could be organized.

ThetaHealing® et ThetaHealer® sont des marques déposées de THInK sur

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